Achieving ValueTeammates to Trust FAQ Built-ins & Furniture Lighting DesignWhy 3D Design

Achieving Value        

Peter. John & Max
  Peter Newlin, FAIA
John Hutchison, AIA
Max Ruehrmund, AIA

Darren Johnson grew up in Rock Hall, Md.  He has a BA in Architecture from U Md.
Darren Johnson

Annette has lived in Chestertown since she was thirteen.
Annette Reinacher
Office Manager

The American Institute of Architects gave Peter Newlin its silver medal for his leadership of the Construction Industry
The AIA named Peter
a "Fellow" in 1996

Investing in Architecture

At Chesapeake Architects, we believe the architect's primary job is to help the Owner create value - value as the Owner defines that word. To that end, we try to be the Owner's diligent guide throughout the planning process.  We will seek consistently, and repeatedly to:

  • Verify your goals and objectives
  • Organize the building accordingly
  • Call your attention to reasonable alternatives,
  • Communicate their pros and cons, and
  • Explain their cost consequences to you.

It is our job to help Owners realize what, for them, is the proper balance of functionality, durability, initial cost, aesthetics, and resale value.  We believe, the right outcome to seek is the Owner's deepest satisfaction, five years down the road.  Although the decisions always belong to the Owners, we will risk advocating what we think is in your long-term interest. 

In summary, we see ourselves as advisors, as well as designers. Throughout the planning and construction process, we will offer our experience to help you reach informed decisions, so you can optimize what you value most. We explain the alternatives; the decision is yours.

Strategy & Costs

At the outset, the Owner and Architect engage in a process of giving birth to a vision - in other words, in a search for a design strategy that will best achieve the Owner's desired balance of function, cost, and aesthetics.  After we have had a chance to flesh out such a  strategy, we usually suggest broadening the Owner-Architect team to include a trusted builder.  The builder can help us assess construction costs and consider alternatives.  This team approach allows the Owner to make "big picture" value-based decisions while the project is still easily steered, and without being obligated to the builder. 

Later, when the construction drawings are developed, builders again estimates the costs and help all of us to evaluate alternatives.  At this stage the Owner has some experience with builder(s) and the project's pricing, so the Owner can decide which specific alternatives to pursue, and which builders the Owner wants to add to the construction team.  Likewise the builders are on-board with the Owner's goals and objectives, including budget, so the Owner can get the Builder's input, along with the Architect's, which empowers the Owner to make informed decisions, to steer the project.

The Design & Construction Team

Over several decades we have built up trust relation-ships with local builders, craftsmen, mechanics, and artisans.  (See our Teammates to Trust List)  We all want to be known for the care we take to comprehend the Owner's objectives, and for the skills we bring to the job of carrying them out.  Our experience working with each other helps us to catch mistakes before they become serious trouble, and helps us to recognize possible improvements early enough that they can be cost-effectively implemented. 

In summary, as craftsmen in a small community, we already know how to cooperate effectively to become the Owner's efficient Design & Construction Team.  We also know, individually and collectively, that our business success ultimately depends on how well we accomplish each Owner's individual objectives. 

  For more about how we work, see:
Frequently Asked Questions

The Value of 3D Design
Teammates to Trust

 Earth Sheltered House for Julian, California (Current Projects)
Why 3D Design

Langford Creek Stair (Award Winners)
Teammates to Trust

Langford Creek Living Room (Award Winners)
The Value of Built-ins

Lighting designed for Deep Landing (Award Winners)
The Value of Lighting Design

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